On April 5, longtime Today star and morning talk show host Kathie Lee Gifford bid farewell to NBC after 11 years. "It’s not goodbye forever," she previously told Good days before her last Today episode. "But if there's any such thing as a lovely goodbye, this is it. This is it." This Tuesday, Kathie Lee will make a triumphant return to the fourth hour of Today. Jenna Bush Hager has since filled her seat alongside HodiKolb. The real reason Kathie Lee decided to leave today ... In her December 2018 announcement, Kathie Lee cited all the projects she had coming up as a reason for stepping down from her position. Film-wise, she wrapped up post-production on her "passion project" Then Came You last fall. In April 2019, she also made her directorial debut in the short film The God Who Sees. Besides that, Kathie Lee said that she initially had never intended to stay on Today longer than one year back in 2008. But because she felt such a strong conne...